Mark McGee ~ Take a Bus. Catch a Train. Walk Around

When I'm not working at my day job, I spend much of my time traveling on buses and trains. Getting from here to there, walking and taking photos. Then I Get back on a bus or a train, going somewhere else, often deciding where to go on the way there.
I normally work on photos while in transit, or, for example, on a street corner in Times Square. Or Bushwick. Wherever. That's one of the beauties of having a smartphone. I take the photos and edit on the go.

Bryant Park. (2018)

The Other Monday. #3. (2018)
Grove Street. (2018)
Myrtle-Wyckoff Station. (2018)
Park Row. (2018)
The Day Nothing Much Happened! #1. (2018)
The Other Monday. #2.
Myrtle Avenue. (2018)

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