Art: Dagmar Renée Ritter

Dagmar Renée Ritter
Exploring the subconscious

- I have repeatedly learned that my pictures do not frighten the recipients, but their personal deep-seated fears which they transpose into the paintings. Fears that had been forced into the subconscious, where they were comfortably dormant until, by the conscious reflection on my pictures, they unexpectedly awake and take shape in their entire form.

Dagmar Renée Ritter

My themes are visible reactions to external impressions, which are diving through my dark soul and appear dimmed at the surface of my artwork. l have still not seen immaculate beauty and likewise, I also never met absolute ugliness. That is why beauty and ugliness in my pictures are inextricably linked!
There are often interesting structures or smaller, simple objects, which are the impulse of my thoughts and often especially those triggers can be found again in the details of my paintings or sculptures. Producing art is an overwhelming feeling of joy and deep contemplative satisfaction. It is my religion, my prayer, my inner conversation...
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Mysterious Legends

We all love the famous ancient Greek mythology, legends from all over the world and mysterious stories.
For me, they are the roots of religions.

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Sinister Creations of a Dark State of Mind

I made my artworks inspired by African masks and international holy and evil sculptures. Each one speaks in a silent tongue and in a very personal way to every beholder!

Open your mind and your soul and experience its messages for you! If you are not afraid of your own dark subconscious, these artworks my take you on a journey in mind to the hidden places of your soul, even you, haven't known before.

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Little Dark Sweeties

I made these Gothic Dolls, because I couldn't get them out of my mind, until I've made them. Gothic Dolls are a strange mix up between a cute doll and something creepy and evil.

On the one hand they are so sweet that you always want to hold them in your arms. And on the other, there seems to be a dark secret, hidden deep inside their little child-like bodies!

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The Evil Appears in any Form!

Some beholders think I wanted to point out the negative parts of the Catholic church. But this is just an example for many evil things people do in the name of God! Their God wouldn't accept that! So they are a shame for the really good idea oft their religion.

The reason why I took the Catholic church example is, that I´m grown up in a county with a Christian tradition. So I know exactly from what I'm speaking! I would never presume to talk about a religion in detail, with which I am not as familiar as the catholic church.

But this should not be only to point out the worse cases, no it should more be seen as hope, that these people who have a deep believe in the positive meaning, stop to accept that these black sheep throw dirt on their religious conviction! There is always the hope for a change to a better world!

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Baphomet, Dark Art Digital Painting

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Beast Mistress

Little Evil Bastard

Lady Death at the Magic Winter Gate to Netherworld

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Dagmar Ritter Videos

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About The Ideas For My Paintings In General

Slimy Monster Behind the Window

An image is just as terrible as the unconscious fears of the beholder!

In the depths of the human soul, you will find the eerily beautiful pictures. They must be lifted up to the surface and expressed as an artistic imagery with new vocabulary for all the world to see.

And yet can be a single image so divisive, because every recipient embeds their very personal feelings, fears, desires and experiences into the contemplation. Beauty and ugliness are relative to the perceptual process of the individual!

Often the sight of a disturbing image is the trigger for a journey into the depths of someone´s psyche. The simple question: "Why does this image cause such strange feelings in me?" can be the ticket for a long-overdue journey into the unknown self.

However, most of the people are afraid of their own darkness, because they suppress rather than recognize the inner beast and may even fight against it, because the beast appears so great and dangerous in the dark chambers of the subconscious mind, where it seems to lurk.

Who knows, dragged into the light, it is perhaps only a small white frightened rabbit that previously cast a bombastic long shadow on the wall. Whenever you took a frightened and indignant look, by the only tiny door, which opens a small gap to your deeply hidden chamber, you saw this frightening black monster. But if you dare to open the door and watch the monster closely, you may find that it was the light beam which met the little rabbit, what created the large shadow on the wall and made the animal look much bigger than it is in reality. Just because you had been afraid of taking a closer look at it!

Going into the dark cellar only with a small candle.

Isn't this exactly how many frightening scenes of horror films start? Why is this action making us shiver? Because the lead actor is doing exactly  what many of us are afraid of doing. We want to avoid this exact situation: the exploration of the unknown cellar of the subconsciousness!

About Dagmar Renée Ritter

“University of Vienna”, studied biology and education science, also attended the “Vienna Artschool”, taking lessons there by Mag. Peter Carer, Prof. Fritz Martins and Prof. Roman Haller

Studied panting and graphic at the “University of applied Arts” in Vienna, at the masterclass of Prof Wolfgang Hutter, left with diploma.

Worked as artist and teacher of art at the “Art History Museum” of Vienna, and at some schools.

Since 2008 only working as an artist.
Since 2009 Learning computer graphic, 3D-animation, photography and webdesign.
Since 2012 can be found in the “Lexicon of Fantastic Realism”
2013 Started  sculpturing, working on the first masks
Since 2016, I have been mostly working on Digital Paintings

My themes are visible reactions to external impressions, which are diving through my dark soul and appear dimmed at the surface of my artwork. l have still not seen immaculate beauty and likewise, I also never met absolute ugliness. That is why beauty and ugliness in my pictures are inextricably linked!
There are often interesting structures or smaller, simple objects, which are the impulse of my thoughts and often especially those triggers can be found again in the details of my paintings or sculptures. Producing art is an overwhelming feeling of joy and deep contemplative satisfaction. It is my religion, my prayer, my inner conversation.

The techniques and materials are my instruments. Shapes and colors are the melodies. Finally, the image is a snapshot of the constantly flowing river of thoughts.

To discover, observe, analyze and associate as well as the critical questions are my drive to create something new. My black humor is the buffer for the absurd things that happen and is also a central theme of my life.

Traditional painting and modern computer techniques determined my work. Finally, I connected the knowledge and found my favorit technique in Digital Art. Because the medium gives me all potentialities to develop my fantasy, instead of hampering the flow of my ideas by drying times and problems caused by traditional materials, which I always saw as too slow for the stream of my ideas. Or maybe I'm much too impatient, by bringing my Fantasy to Life!

Dagmar Renée Ritter

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