Caterpillar ~ Mar Cantón


Mar Cantón

"No tiene utilidad volver a ayer, porque entonces era una persona distinta."
"Alicia: ¿Cuánto es para siempre?"
"El conejo blanco: a veces, solo un segundo."
"Creo que sí, estás demente. Pero te diré un secreto: las mejores personas lo están"

[Alicia se daba por lo general muy buenos consejos a sí misma (aunque rara vez los seguía).]

"Alicia en el País de las Maravillas", Lewis Carroll

"It has no use returning to yesterday, because then it was a different person."
"Alice: How long is it forever? The white rabbit: sometimes, just a second."
"I think so, you're insane. But I'll tell you a secret: the best people are."

"[Alicia usually gave very good advice to herself (though rarely followed).] "

Alice in Wonderland", Lewis Carroll

click imágenes para agrandar / click images to enlarge them

"Mermaid among flowers" // "Sirena entre Flores", © Mar Cantón, May 2017

"Caterpillar Girl" // "Chica Oruga", ©Mar Cantón, mayo 2017 (+Details/ Detalles )

"The caterpillar's room" // "El cuarto de la oruga" © Mar Cantón, 2017

"The caterpillar in the caterpillar's room" // "La oruga en el cuarto de la oruga" Mar Cantón, 2017

Hello!! In this video creation of 2 min. of duration you can see the evolution of this artwork (between digital collage and digital painting) from the basic image used for such. I hope you enjoy it!

"Caterpillar" © Mar Cantón, June 2017 from Mar Cantón on Vimeo.

"Caterpillar" © Mar Cantón, June 2017
[The evolution of an artwork]
Music: "Variations for piano in F major, op. 34 - Variation I", Ludwig van Beethoven, 1802.
"The Caterpillar", Smith/Tolhurst, 1984.
Editing images and music: Carlos Pérez (Sharli Fly Clown)
Images: Mar Cantón, 2017.

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