Recruiter of Souls ~ Luigi Density

At the beginning it seems easy, it seems palpable, that’s when you can hardly sleep. Take charge of your words, take care of your actions, there is no way to go back. The chosen ones are all around us, thousands of souls are lost in deep shadows, it's a double-edged sword every day.
Be careful when they need you, Let them in or stay out, it's all your decision.
Just another Midnight Horror Tale.

En un principio parece fácil, parece palpable, es ahí cuando cuesta tanto dormir. Hazte cargo de tus palabras, cuida tus acciones, no hay manera de volver. Los elegidos están a nuestro alrededor, miles de almas perdidas en la profundidad de la oscuridad, es una navaja de doble filo todos los días.
Ten cuidado cuando te necesiten, déjalos entrar o mantente fuera, es tu decisión.
Tan solo otra historia de terror.

Luigi Density

Would you like to listen to music while you see my images? Here’s my suggestion:

The beginning

Take charge of your words

Chosen one

Recruiter of souls

Double-edged sword

We need you

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