Dark Shots ~ Luigi Density

Muchos aseguran que los lugares oscuros tan solo dejan tristezas entrar y la verdad que para mi encontrar estos espacios resulta placentero, ya que son de gran intensidad, la luz, contra luz y sus diversas formas se convierten en una de mis debilidades. Dark shots es el resultado de todas esas madrugadas antes de ir a trabajar.

Luigi Density

Many people say that dark places are depressing, but for me, to find these kind of places is comfortable because I find them of great intensity; the light, shades, and diverse forms become one of my weaknesses. Dark Shots is the result of me leaving for work at dawn.

Luigi Density

click imagenes para agrandar / click images to enlarge them

City lights 1

City lights 2

City lights 3

Remember those wacky days

Half-empty or half-full

Almost there

At the supermarket

City shot


The first flame of the day

6:00 am

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