Art: Ellyna-May Pullin

Ellyna-May Pullin
Nature and animals are my inspiration

My name is Ellyna May Pullin and I am 10 years old. I like to go into nature and explore the world. My paintings try to express this feeling of the outdoors, along with my experience and feeling towards this. I love Animals and Nature and I like to also create a message in my work.

Once in a Coloured Moon

This series is experimenting with life experiences and different colours and Shades.

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Ellyna-May Pullin Biography

Ever since I was really young I would always be drawing and making collages in school and at home. My Daddy introduced me to painting and I started to paint abstraction. My inspiration is nature and animals that I paint from my memory. I also like to paint how I feel and paint always in an abstract and colourful way. I try to experiment with different types of paint and other mixed materials. Painting makes me happy and try my best to be bold and expressive as possible.


Ellyna-May Pullin

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