Drama Queens ~ Magaly Ávila

Drama Queens - Magaly Ávila

Existen en ocasiones grandes laberintos en nuestro mundo, nuestra complejidad femenina tarde o temprano sale a relucir, son momentos, son etapas las que en ocasiones tocan nuestras emociones para crear grandes explosiones en nuestra vida. Es nuestra esencia por momentos, queremos todo y nada. Sin embargo creo que por momentos vivimos en plenitud nuestra condición de mujer.

Esta serie va dedicada a la reina del drama que en ocasiones suelo ser y me atrevería a decir que todos tenemos algo de ello.

Sometimes, huge mazes appear in our world that our feminine complexity sooner or later come to the surface. These are the moments and times, which our emotions are touched and create big explosions in our lives. It’s our essence at times where we want all and nothing. However, I think that sometimes we live profusely our feminine condition.

This series is dedicated to the queen of drama, who at times I tend to be, and I dare saying that we all have some of that inside us.

Magaly Ávila.

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Crime Scene

Don't Blame Me

Poison for Dinner

Hot Coffee

The Stalker

Reality Show

Fatal Attraction

Explosive Girl


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