Midnight Horror Tales ~ Luigi Density

¿Quién no recuerda haber escuchado aquellos relatos que te obligaban a meter la cabeza dentro de las sábanas para poder dormir? Recuerdo con nostalgia aquellos tiempos, pues cuando uno crece los miedos cambian, son más reales y ya no se extinguen con tan solo prender una luz.
En esta serie me doy la oportunidad de viajar al pasado y recrear esas imágenes que tanto marcaban mis noches. Espero la disfruten.

Who doesn’t remember listening to those scary stories that made you bury your head under the sheets or sleep with the lights on? I remember dearly those times because when you grow up, those scary stories become more real and they don’t go away just by switching the light on.
In this series, I give myself the opportunity to travel back in time and recreate those images that remained embedded in my memory. I hope you like it.

Luigi Density

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Mary Had a Little Lamb

You Can't Escape from My Sight

Midnight Horror Tales

Mechanical Skull

Nasty Goat

Red Skull

Ghost Factory

No one Can Hear You in the Forest

Revolting Intruder

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