“if something is there, you can only see it with your eyes open, but if it isn't there, you can see it just as well with your eyes closed. That's why imaginary things are often easier to see than real ones.”
Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth
Ver más de Armando Cantú Guerra /See more from Armando Cantú Guerra
Armando Cantú Home ~ Women and Water ~ Imagined Dawn / Amanecer Imaginado ~ A Woman’s World 2 ~ A Woman’s World ~ A través de la imaginación/Through the imagination ~ Magical places II/Lugares mágicos II ~ Imaginary Things ~ Goddesses ~ Amazing Dreams ~ Las delicias de la edición ~ Ilusión y Magia ~ Escenarios mágicos / Magical Scenarios ~ Lost in fantasy ~ A touch of magic ~ Natura II ~ Natura I ~ El lienzo en el cielo/Canvas in the sky ~ Pequeñas historias/Little stories ~ Se vale soñar / Dreaming allowed ~ Magical places / Lugares mágicos ~ Reaching emotions ~ Contacto ~ Paisajes Imaginarios ~ Tormenta ~ Galería de Imágenes Surrealistas ~ Deja Volar Tu Imaginación ~ El mundo de Armando Cantú Guerra ~ Biografía Armando Cantú GuerraIf you liked this page, follow us on Facebook, like us, and give us your comments. Your comments make us grow, thank you.
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