Mark McGee ~ Haunted Songs

Haunted Songs is an album of photos that I took from late November to early December of 2018. Entirely black and white, it's a fairly dark, yet not quite bleak, collection. It's also mostly quiet, I think. Small moments and some experimentation. It's very possibly one of my favorites. It expresses that feeling one can get as autumn passes into winter.

Mark McGee

42nd Street Station. (2018)
1966 Chevrolet Impala. #6. (2018)
The Steam. (2018)
Cortelyou Road Station. #2. (2018)
Times Square Mannequins. #1. (2018)
Greenwich and Carlisle. (2018)
14th Street Station. #1. (2018)
1966 Cadillac Fleetwood. Coney Island. (2018)
School Bus. E.95th and 3rd. (2018)
Most likely not. (2018)

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